Sling TV

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Since 2015, SLING TV has led the charge on the streaming revolution. Today, our success is grounded in hiring people who demonstrate a unique blend of values that position them for success. More than experience or past wins, we value your potential. We have work to do – and we're looking for people like you.

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Sling TV's headquarter address
Line 1: 9601 south meridian blvd., englewood, colorado, usa, 80112
Line 2: 9601 S Meridian Blvd
Sling TV's industries
Entertainment Providers
Sling TV's technology
Amazon CloudFront DNS Made Easy Route 53 Mailchimp Mandrill Gmail Google Apps Microsoft Office 365 Amazon AWS Adobe CQ Omniture (Adobe) Qualtrics Bootstrap Framework Salesforce Apache Ruby On Rails YouTube Ruxit New Relic Salesforce Live Agent Google Tag Manager Google Font API Mobile Friendly reCAPTCHA Google Analytics Dropbox Amazon Payments Google Play Tealium
People working at Sling TV
Jon Lin
Vice President of Product
Englewood, Colorado, United States
Prasanta Chakraborty
General Manager - Payments
Englewood, Colorado, United States
Liz Riemersma
Vice President - International
Englewood, Colorado, United States
Pavan Kumar Thalak C
VP of Software Engineering at SlingTV
Englewood, Colorado, United States
David Hamilton
eCommerce Manager - Acquisition
Englewood, Colorado, United States
Gary Schanman
Executive Vice President & Group President, Sling TV
Englewood, Colorado, United States
Alexa Jason
Programmatic Performance Marketer
Englewood, Colorado, United States
Matt Walton
Enterprise Architect
Englewood, Colorado, United States
Drew Major
Nivriti Ingram
CXO & Consumer Insights Manager
Englewood, Colorado, United States
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