Smile Digital Health

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Smile Digital Health (doing business as Smile CDR Inc.) specializes in delivering fast, secure, compliant data infrastructures as a service to enable and empower interconnectivity for data-intensive sectors such as healthcare. We are a solutions platform helping organizations like governments, researchers, health systems, healthcare providers, and app developers build connected health solutions and products by leveraging our core expertise in health data and HL7 FHIR. Our flagship product, Smile CDR, is the world's first FHIR-based clinical data repository (CDR) as a service. Smile CDR is a high performance and secure solution built on the principles of Privacy by Design. Flexibility is a hallmark of the service as it can be hosted in the cloud or on-premises depending on your needs. The design was strongly influenced by real-world experience in both the jurisdictional and organizational setting. Smile CDR provides a rich set of features and capabilities including: -Multiple FHIR versions -FHIR Profiles -Full text indexing of clinical records -Type ahead search functionality -FHIR, HL7v2 and custom ETL for data input -Federated identity and identity provider functionality -International character locale support -Terminology services -Auditing -Smart on FHIR support -Rapid deployment -Extensive administrative tooling Leveraging more than 40 years of experience in building enterprise-class systems, our team includes experts in building integrated healthcare systems including FHIR-based solutions such as HAPI, e-prescriptions and other e-health solutions. We were motivated by the need to improve upon existing options for sharing health data within and across organizations. Smile CDR is the maintainer of HAPI FHIR, the prevailing open source reference implementation of FHIR worldwide

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Smile Digital Health's headquarter address
Line 1: 622 college street, toronto, ontario, ca, m6g 1b4
Line 2: 622 College St
Smile Digital Health's industries
hospital & health care
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Amazon AWS BuddyPress Gmail Google Analytics Google Apps Google Font API Google Tag Manager Hubspot Mailchimp Mandrill Microsoft Azure Mobile Friendly Route 53 StatusPage IO Vidyard
People working at Smile Digital Health
Hernan Burgos
Director Of Business Development
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ramesh Sridharan
Vice President
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jamal Elhabali
Managed Services, Manager
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jeffrey King
Business Development Consultant (Providers East)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jackson Yang
Chief Cloud Architect
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Clement Ng
Head of Corporate Development, Co-Founder
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
George Rollins
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Kevin Berdin
Sr. Director Of Business Development
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Duncan Weatherston
Chief Executive Officer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Erin Prymas
Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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