Sons of Norway

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The mission of Sons of Norway is to promote and to preserve the heritage and culture of Norway, to celebrate our relationship with other Nordic Countries, and provide quality insurance and financial products to our members. Sons of Norway was organized as a fraternal benefit society by 18 Norwegian immigrants in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on January 16, 1895. The purposes and goals of the Founding Fathers were to protect members of Sons of Norway and their families from the financial hardships experienced during times of sickness or death in the family. Over time, the mission of Sons of Norway was expanded to include the preservation of Norwegian heritage and culture in our Society. We have grown since our beginning and are now the largest Norwegian organization outside Norway. We promote Norwegian traditions and fraternal fellowship through the cultural and social opportunities offered in local lodge and district lodge activities. These activities include language camps and classes, scholarships, handicrafts, cooking and heritage classes, heritage programs, sports programs, travel opportunities, Viking Magazine, and outreach programs sponsored by the Sons of Norway Foundation. We offer financial protection through our field staff representatives to Sons of Norway members and their families against the hardships of sickness and death through a variety of quality insurance programs.

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Sons of Norway's headquarter address
Line 1: 1455 w lake street, minneapolis, minnesota, usa, 55408
Line 2: 1455 W Lake St
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People working at Sons of Norway
Christopher Pinkerton
Chief Executive Officer
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Daniel Seyfried
Chief Information and Operations Officer
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Michael O'Leary
Chief Underwriter and Claims Manager
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Kevin C.
Chief General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Erica Oberg
Chief Financial Officer
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Gregory Ragan
Insurance / Investment Broker
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Christian Laland
Operations Manager, Insurance Services
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Bill Bultinck
Alternate International Director
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Gine K. Silveira
President/ Vice President/ Financial Secretary Fort Lauderdale lodge
Michael Godbout
Internal Wholesale Representative
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
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