Soteria Systems, LLC.

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Soteria Systems, LLC is a new company, based out of Atlanta, GA, and branched in San Antonio, TX. It was founded on the development of a revolutionary hardware-assisted cyber security solution. Our first-of-its-kind, hardware-assisted protection, Server BlackBox(TM), was first developed by our president and CEO, Dr. Joseph Kim and our CTO, Dr. Junghee Lee. Since then, the scope of our cyber protection goals have expanded passed secure databases, to implementing the unique hardware-assisted secure data storage with our StealthShield(TM) anomaly detection software. Our hardware uses an uniquely developed Append-Only Storage [US and PCT patent pending] system, and an asymmetrical co-processor to provide its game-changing protection. Dr. Kim, the president and founder of the company, was previously an assistant professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the director of the Center for Information Systems (CIS) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Junghee Lee, the CTO of our company, previously worked at Samsung Electronics on electronic system level design of mobile system-on-chip, and has begun as an assistant professor at the University of Texas, in addition to running our San Antonio development branch. Our mission is to provide each company with the highest level of cyber security, that is dependable, effective, and cost-efficient. No one wants to be the victim of cyber crime that can cost companies thousands, if not millions, of dollars in losses, damages, and recoveries. We are here to prevent any chance of that happening. Every company has their own unique requirements, but regardless of the intangible networking security software solutions that are implemented, none come close to the definite security that our data storage system provides. Since the hardware implementation offers unique features that have not been, and cannot be, addressed by software, it is an end-point security foundation, and hardware root of trust.

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Soteria Systems, LLC.'s headquarter address
Line 1: atlanta, ga
Soteria Systems, LLC.'s industries
computer & network security
Soteria Systems, LLC.'s technology
Mobile Friendly Yandex Metrica
People working at Soteria Systems, LLC.
Bumsoo Kim
Chief Product Officer
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Data Scientist
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
YoungKwang Kim
Research Fellow
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
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