Specialty Bulb Products In.

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Here are just a few of the reasons people choose to do business with us: "Plain old fashioned professional customer service. They do what they promise!" "When I need something out of the ordinary, I go directly to SPBI - they're the experts in identifying Hard to Find lamps." CW "They know what they're talking about. I trust their advice." "I needed a projection lamp with a de-listed part number. SBPI not only stocks the broadest range of Projection Lamps in Canada, but they can also supply many hard to find lamps. SBPI is always my first and last call when it comes to lighting products." "I can rely on SBPI to give me same day shipping for stock items." "SBPI isn't only about hard to find items. They're respected distributors of a wide range of product lines representing many of the major manufacturers around the world. That's why I have complete confidence in them!" We promise you: A commitment to selling only products we can recommend with confidence A buying experience as pleasant and efficient as possible. The kind of service you thought went out of style decades ago To always do our best To deserve your business on an ongoing basis To do what it takes to ensure that we deliver beyond your expectations Our Mission: Our highest goal is to help you - we want to exceed your expectations with our products and our customer care.

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Specialty Bulb Products In.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 20010 100a avenue, langley city, british columbia, canada
Line 2: 20010 100A Ave
Specialty Bulb Products In.'s industries
Specialty Bulb Products In.'s technology
Audio Visual Medical Scientific Entertainment Industrial
People working at Specialty Bulb Products In.
Colin MacDuff
Vice President of Sales & Marketing
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Peter Janzen
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Manager of Business Development
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Dan Hope
Accounting Manager
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Herb Ens
Key Account Manager
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Glenna Meyer
Inside Sales Representative
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Herb Ens
Key Account Manager
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