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Specialty Nannies, Babysitters & Tutors LLC
We serve as the liaison between domestic staff and our clients who are searching for in-home nannies, tutors, caretakers, cleaners, personal assistants, chefs, and butlers. We offer a business approach that is personal, fast, and meticulous. All of our candidates are thoroughly screened and interviewed before being placed with a family. Our business operates on a national level and we are committed to ethical and legal business practices as well as being non discriminatory on any basis.
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Specialty Nannies, Babysitters & Tutors LLC's industries
individual & family services
People working at Specialty Nannies, Babysitters & Tutors LLC
Katie K.
Chief Executive Officer
You can find 1 people working at Specialty Nannies, Babysitters & Tutors LLC on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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