SPEL Semiconductor Limited is India's first & only Semiconductor IC Assembly & Test facility. SPEL pioneered the Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly & Test Services (OSAT) market in India and continues to steadily do so. SPEL is a trusted & strategic contract manufacturing partner for many of the world's leading Semiconductor companies. Established in 1988 and listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange ever since, SPEL initially supplied to the domestic market. SPEL soon acquired the expertise to serve the global market. SPEL's Customers are some of the biggest Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs) and Fabless Companies in the United States and Asia. SPEL offers Packaging Technology for Semiconductors used in diverse end-market applications including Communications, Consumer Electronics and Computing. SPEL provides full turnkey solutions that include Wafer sort, Assembly, Test and Drop-shipment services which help Customers accelerate time-to-revenue for their new products. SPEL also offers value added services such as Package Design, Failure Analysis and Full Reliability Test, Test Program Development & Product Characterization.

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