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SPHEREA, a 50-year history SPHEREA's history began in the electronic department of Aerospatiale Aircraft division (notably produced the first automatic test bench for Concorde), Aerospatiale Missiles and Sextant Avionics companies. These three companies were merged into a single entity to support the RAFALE Aircraft and LECLERC Tank programs, becoming EADS Test & Services when EADS was created in 2000. EADS Test & Services was attached to the EADS Defence & Security Division and became Cassidian Test & Services in 2010 when EADS Defence & Security became Cassidian. When the Airbus Group was created on January 1st 2014, the restructuring of the EADS Defence and Airbus Space activities, grouped into a single entity, Airbus Defence & Space, was the opportunity for Test & Services to make a fresh start. Test & Services opened up its capital to investors sharing this vision, which is resolutely aimed at winning new markets with a focus on innovation, and became SPHEREA in July 2014. SPHEREA's aim is to only remain the leader in its existing sectors but accelerate growth and capture business in new sectors. Range of Expertise - Test and Measurement - Integrated Test Systems & Software - Screening Facility - Diagnostics & Prognostics - Harness Test Services - System Life Assurance & Extension - Obsolescence Management - Hardware / Software / Control systems - PCB Cloning - Test Systems Support - On-Site Test Operations & Consultancy

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SPHEREA's headquarter address
Line 1: 109, avenue du général eisenhower, toulouse, other, fr, 31100
Line 2: 109 Avenue du Général Eisenhower
SPHEREA's industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
SPHEREA's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Drupal Google Analytics Google Font API Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly OpenSSL Outlook PHP 5.3
People working at SPHEREA
Olivier Raynaud
Directeur des Systèmes d'Information Groupe
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Fabrice Dairon
Group Chief HR Oficer - DRH Groupe
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Nicolas Favarcq
CTO and Director Marketing - Innovation
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Yves Baumgartner
Group COO
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Christian Dabasse
President & CEO
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Martin Kugelmann
Managing Director
Yann Fusero
Head Of Systems Engineering
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Erwan Lhermitte
Managing Director
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Etienne Chemel
Board Member
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Manuel T.
SOLUTIONS Business Unit Director
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
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