SpitFire Alliance

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SpitFire Alliance is the most active and influential social media publicity company in the digital marketplace. Our solutions provide companies with a portal to establish instantaneous recognition in their industry. SpitFire Alliance is a group of social media publicists that have created a massive following in selected industries and captured their attention with highly relevant and topical information. In other words… We have the desired audience your company is seeking. The function of SpitFire Alliance is to be the facilitator of publicity needs for companies seeking a large and interactive audience. Whether the need is for branding, awareness, promotion, or credibility; SpitFire Alliance offers a "set it and forget it" system that is unmatched in today's digital marketplace.

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marketing & advertising
People working at SpitFire Alliance
Brad Clemense
Chief Marketing Analyst
Markus McNeal
Senior Engineer
Mark Fuller
You can find 3 people working at SpitFire Alliance on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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