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Splicky is a trading name of Jaduda GmbH, a Goldbach Group company. Splicky runs a demand-side platform (DSP) for mobile and DOOH campaigns, a trading platform upon which advertisers and media agencies can bid on digital ad spaces for their ad media via a single interface. Thanks to the underlying real-time bidding technology, this booking process runs automatically and in real time. Purchase prices are optimised by the bidding process and reporting is simplified. Splicky employs special algorithms to drive better results from mobile and DOOH campaigns and works with tracking and targeting technologies specifically developed for these channels. RTB sources: AdX I MoPub I SMART RTB I Oath I Smaato I OpenX I Rubicon Project I MobFox I PubMatic I Improve Digital I SpotX I Fyber I my adbooker I AppNexus I Car2Ad I Yieldlab I adpack I Broadsign I Ströer SSP I VIOOH Tracking partners: Mobile App Tracking by Tune I Oplytic I AD-X I Adjust.io I Sponsormob I Kochava I singular Rich media provider: Celtra I Adgibbon Data providers: Adsquare Targeting options: Location I Operating System I Carrier/wi-fi I Site URL I Time delivery I Audience I Category I Language I App Bundle I Device

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Splices's headquarter address
Line 1: seestrasse 353, zürich wollishofen, zürich, switzerland
Line 2: 353 Seestrasse
Splices's industries
marketing & advertising
Splices's technology
Gmail Google Apps Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Nginx Outlook
People working at Splices
Sven Ruppert
Co-Founder & CEO
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Aljoscha Fuchs
Director Business Development
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Tino Schernickau
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Kamil Friebel
Head Of Sales
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Brendon Mausolf
Co Founder
Sharon Lurie
Senior Sales Manager DACH
Anne Wiesner
Senior Supply Manager
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Karl Mössinger
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Živilė Rasimaitė
Software Developer
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Anina Collenberg
Campaign Manager
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
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