Starsailor Investment GmbH

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Anton Jurina and his partners are experienced entrepreneurs who specialize in building and investing in emerging brands and startups within the internet and fashion sector. His entrepreneurial journey began in 2007 when he cofounded armedangels, a german-based ethical clothing brand, one of the brands that had the foresight to make the pioneering foray into sustainable fashion. It was during his time there where Anton developed the insight and expertise in leveraging the power of influencers for brands through celebrity endorsements and collaboration. Today, armedangels is a successful brand that can be found at over 500 stockists worldwide, and it was also recently named the No.1 eco-fashion brand in Europe. In 2015, Starsailor has invested in companies such as underwear company vonJungfeld and contemporary women's footwear Ayede, among others. Together with friend and business partner Joko Winterscheidt, Anton negotiated one of the first endorsement per equity deals in Germany between a technology startup (Go Butler) and a celebrity. Today, Anton and his team are seeking to expand their portfolio and investment opportunities in up-and-coming online and content-driven fashion and lifestyle businesses, an area where they can make a meaningful impact by bringing unique value to the table as experienced entrepreneurs and investors.

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People working at Starsailor Investment GmbH
Anton Jurina
Founder and CEO
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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