Stay Property

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Stay Property is a company that provides both local and foreign nationals with service in the property sector in and around Alanya through the policy of reasonable price by making investment in our personnel and technology. Our company that intends to be a leading and dominant company in the sector has a property portfolio to meet all kinds of pleasure and different demands. We are continuing to offer distinguished property which will gain appreciation from our customers and can turn their assets into an investment. We offer all kinds of assistance to local and foreign nationals in order to introduce our country, Antalya and Alanya and show hospitality of Turkish people. Our ultimate objective is to be leader in Property and construction sector, set an example for other companies and turn into a trademark preferred by everybody. You can get the most suitable property for your dreams and ideals. You are at the right address to turn your assets into an investment and earn a lot in the future. To make our customers a homeowner and to offer prices under market conditions within the frame of ethical values fall into our fundamental philosophies. Customers' demands and requests are main factors to form our policy. In this context, we listen and implement studiously demands, requests and recommends from all customers without exception. We always give priority to form a portfolio of preferred property that is affordable for everyone, is to be made investment and will gain increase. Our main service area is sale of property and property services for rent. In addition, we carry out document preparations and application periods required for bureaucratic procedures of our customers with our experienced personnel. We attach great importance to certain issues such like quality, transparency, honesty, customer's satisfaction, reasonable price and on-time delivery.

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People working at Stay Property
Inna Y.
Human Resources Manager
Antalya, Antalya, Turkey
Halil Daye
Antalya, Antalya, Turkey
Halil Daye
Antalya, Antalya, Turkey
Olga Lysenko
Antalya, Antalya, Turkey
Saleh Al-hamoud
Sales Manager
Antalya, Antalya, Turkey
Ömer Bağ
Sales Manager
Antalya, Antalya, Turkey
Steve Hand
Business Development Manager
isam stayproperty
Sales Manager
Antalya, Antalya, Turkey
Stephen Hand
Business Development Manager
Antalya, Antalya, Turkey
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