Stealth Healthcare Venture

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A stealth startup is a startup company that operates in stealth mode, i.e. that avoids public attention. This may be done to hide information from competitors, or — as part of a marketing strategy — to manage public image. The phenomenon is well known in the venture capital (VC) community. Normally a company would only operate in stealth mode for the first couple of years. As investors may have to disclose funding a stealth startup, their names are made public, but often only a general summary description is known about the company. "Most entrepreneurs say they are in stealth because they are worried about competitors stealing their ideas. This can be a risk if you have such a simple idea that just by hearing it, someone can replicate it."​

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Stealth Healthcare Venture's industries
hospital & health care
People working at Stealth Healthcare Venture
Gordon A.R. Handke
Founder & CEO
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Sameer Ankalgi
Co-Founder & CTO
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Ronier Ramos
Software Engineer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Karen Liderman
Innovation Project Manager
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Leif Schwarz
Co-founder & CTO
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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