Stilistica GmbH

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As a top management consulting firm, Stilistica supports innovation leading corporations, international organizations and top-level civil service agencies in developing innovative products and services. In doing so, we are confronted with complex issues and compelling opportunities: we develop forward-looking solutions for the major problems of our time - usually in hand with the political system in the implementation of current policy requirements, and with multiple interfaces in the IT area. The small, powerful and international teams of Stilistica always work on site with our clients. In doing so, we seek intensive discussions to clearly understand requirements and challenges. As a result, we create targeted, innovative concepts and support their implementation for our clients, often until the project is fully implemented. We are an innovation network with over 200 partners in the Internet industry, the media, the arts, research, transfer and education.

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Stilistica GmbH's industries
management consulting
Stilistica GmbH's technology
Amazon AWS Google Analytics Google Tag Manager Nginx
People working at Stilistica GmbH
Holm Keller
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Louiza Keller
Chief Marketing Officer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Uta Michel
Office Manager
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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