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Strasa.tech will operate a global autonomous fleet of HAPS (High Altitude Pseudo Satellite) platforms for delivering high resolution imagery of up to 5 cm GSD, at low prices and in a large scale. Additionally, we will provide the service of flying partner payloads for long duration missions, such as communication services in rural areas. The platforms hover in the lower stratosphere - an underutilized space, almost 2 times higher than commercial aviation. Our unique solar powered platform stays afloat for one year and uses a sophisticated AI to exploit stratospheric wind layers together with wind corrections to navigate the globe efficiently. Strasa brings satellites closer to Earth, dramatically improving performance, using only renewable energy, and reducing costs.

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People working at Strasa.tech
Sergey Vichik
CTO and co-founder
Ori Gonen
Chief Executive Officer
Yuri Friedman
VP Bus Dev.
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