Strategic Sense Group of Companies

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Strategic Sense Group of Companies was formed in 2008 to focus on the best of digital change and transformation, adoption, leading change, and the science of human behavior in the context of solving complex business challenges in the technology space. Starting as a change management consulting firm, it became clear after a number of years that there was much more needed in the technology space than just organizational change management. Strategic Sense continues to provide organizational change management but has added two additional companies to the fold. GlobalSway to work with digital leadership clients in the training, coaching, and transformation space, and Small Biz Creative working with small businesses to assist with their website design and functionality for e-commerce and marketing needs. Over the years, technological advances have democratized brand connection, creating disruption for iconic companies within all industries. Leaders wrestle with rapid changes, resiliency, agility, and decision-making. Our mission is to enable people to enjoy all that a future-forward approach has to offer in growth opportunities for companies. Agile Approaches, DevOps, UX/CX design methods, Design Thinking, Neuro Leadership, and more offer ways to lead and guide change and reduce the concept of resistance by building a more inclusionary, dynamic, and engaging workforce to drive your company toward delivering amazing solutions for your customers. Reach out to us or contact one of our companies for services in driving the human needs in technology forward.

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Strategic Sense Group of Companies's headquarter address
Line 1: 80 arbour ridge circle northwest, calgary, alberta, canada
Line 2: 80 Arbour Ridge Cir NW
Strategic Sense Group of Companies's industries
management consulting
Strategic Sense Group of Companies's technology
Amazon AWS
People working at Strategic Sense Group of Companies
Patti Blackstaffe
Corporate Director & Consultant
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Walter Blackstaffe
Chief Operating Officer and Senior Consultant
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
John M.
Translator and Training consultant
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Emily Robertson
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Eva Macyszyn
Program development, Leadership and Career
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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