STRATIFYER Molecular Pathology GmbH

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The highly experienced research team founding the STRATIFYER Molecular Pathology GmbH has developed techniques to analyze routine tumor material for sophisticated molecular analysis. A specialized process has been developed that guarantees fast and reliable assessment of prognostic and predictive gene signatures in mid-throughput fashion. This technology has been exploited for multiple years to enable in-depth genomic research accompanying large clinical trials. First pathology labs have been powered by STRATIFYER Molecular Pathology GmbH to integrate RNA expression profiling tests in clinical routine. The molecular STRATIFYER test systems shall enable physicians to optimize anti-cancer treatment at patient's initial diagnosis according to individual differences of the tumors.

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Line 1: werthmannstraße 1, cologne, de
Line 2: 1 Werthmannstraße
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People working at STRATIFYER Molecular Pathology GmbH
Ralph Wirtz
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
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