Styx Ecotech (Thailand) Co. Ltd.

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Styx Ecotech (Thailand) Company Limited is an affiliate of Shanghai Venus, leading specialist in environment equipment. In 2019, Styx Ecotech became the sole distributor of industry leading environment equipment specialist in Thailand. Protecting the environment, especially our water source is the major goal to us. By recommending professional products to our customers worldwide in water treatment, sewage treatment and processing industrial wastewater sector, we have had achieved great achievements on those sectors over the years. In Styx Ecotech, we believe giving the most suitable consultation and solutions to our customers is our first priority. We consistently looking for the best solutions that help our customers with offer excellent, reliable and cost-efficient mindset. This is our vision, and this is also our mission.

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People working at Styx Ecotech (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
Brian Kit Man Lee
Co-founder & Consultant
Bangkok, Bangkok City, Thailand
Wing Yan Lau
Bangkok, Bangkok City, Thailand
Rita WY Lau
General Manager
Bangkok, Bangkok City, Thailand
Tsz Shing Chui
Sales Representative
Bangkok, Bangkok City, Thailand
Sunny L.
Sales And Marketing Specialist
Bangkok, Bangkok City, Thailand
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