Supraj Solutions

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Supraj Solutions is one stop technology solution provider. We take pride in calling ourselves as "Your Technology Partner ... " Data and Blockchain services are our primary focus. We believe in data, in a way, it carries a lot of information and that needs to be protected, encrypted. On similar lines, we also believe that information is not suppose to be read but it is suppose to be seen. We have talented pool of resources which can help you right from the consultation up to automating your smallest feasible business fragment. Our services include: - Industrial Automation using IoT (Internet of Things) - Blockchain Development - Database Consultancy - Data Engineering - Data Analytics

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Line 1: pune, maharashtra 411002, in
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computer software
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People working at Supraj Solutions
Sujay Patole
Co-Founder | Director
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Shubham Rakshe
Full Stack Developer
Pune, Maharashtra, India
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