Sustainability Alternatives Ltd

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Our world today is confronted with multiple challenges due to numerous pressures from various directions - massive population growth, rampant levels of pollution, urban congestion, social injustice, resource depletion, energy crisis, and damage to ecosystems. These challenges are experienced by businesses in different forms. Furthermore, our decisions and actions impact - Environmental, Economic, Social, and Reputational Risks. To mitigate these risks, we provide an unparalleled portfolio of sustainability services to help our clients achieve their goals at various phases of projects - conceptualization, strategy formulation, and implementation. We work tirelessly to enhance liveability in cities and societies while reducing damage to the planet or environment. We aspire to integrate sustainability at the core of the business model and train companies to be 'Environmental Conscious'. We relentlessly focus on shaping the sustainability strategies for companies to help them reduce their carbon and environmental footprint through a wide range of proven scientific techniques and processes embedded deeply into digital innovation. We also provides sustainability ratings for various industries, locations and company sizes to facilitate business sustainability at an international scale. Our rating methodology was developed based on a "best-in-class" ESG approach. This is defined as identifying and benchmarking with reference to companies that are leaders in their field in terms of achieving environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. These are determined based on how individual company integrates sustainability across various stages of their operations and management. "Sustainability Alternatives was formed with a vision to embark on a sustainable future. We work with our clients to co-create, co-design, and co-implement strategies to reduce their carbon footprint, mitigate toxic emissions and achieve Net-Zero Emission Targets." - Dr. Ashish Sharma

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Sustainability Alternatives Ltd's headquarter address
Line 1: 20-22 wenlock road, london, hackney n1 7gu, gb
Line 2: 20 Wenlock Road
Sustainability Alternatives Ltd's industries
environmental services
Sustainability Alternatives Ltd's technology
Google Cloud Hosting Mobile Friendly Outlook Varnish Wix
People working at Sustainability Alternatives Ltd
Ashish Sharma, Ph.D
Founding Director & CEO
Barnsbury, England, United Kingdom
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