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Provide a user-friendly business-to-business on-line ordering experience where healthcare organizations can discover anything they need for their surgical patients using the most time-efficient product ordering process and the most cost-effective product sourcing channel. OUR GOAL: REDUCE COST OF PRODUCTS FOR PATIENTS Reduced product representation fees compared to traditional distributor-based channels will result in lower product costs for suppliers, healthcare organizations and ultimately the patients Sourcing is easier for the customer: one-stop on-line product ordering platform that is more time efficient than traditional phone calls and emails to multiple suppliers and vendors Quality Suppliers and Products – we will only partner with medical device suppliers and human tissue processing organizations that are committed to meeting applicable regulatory and quality standards for their products This is not an on-line bidding platform – product pricing and allograft processing fees are established by the supplier

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SUZZOR's headquarter address
Line 1: tampa, fl 33606, us
SUZZOR's industries
medical devices
SUZZOR's technology
Blue Host Google Analytics Google Font API Google Tag Manager Hubspot Mobile Friendly Nginx WordPress.org reCAPTCHA
People working at SUZZOR
K. David Campagnari
Founder and CEO
Tampa, Florida, United States
Alison DeGuzman
Director Of Operations
Tampa, Florida, United States
Nick Verdugo
Chief Marketing Manager
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