Swansea Concerts

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SWANSEA CONCERTS is a concert promotion and artist management agency based in Leipzig, Germany. Since its foundation in 2012 (formerly known as Swansea Constellation) our expertise lies in concert promotion and the production of cross-genre formats, as well as in individual artist management. We are nationally and internationally connected with labels, agencies and artists. In addition, we can rely on a broad network of venues and service providers in the Central German region. What is important to us In particular, we stand for enthusiasm, fairness, reliability, respect and solidarity, both among ourselves and with our audience, artists and partners. Swansea Concerts wants to create spaces in which artists, musicians and also the audience can develop in the best possible way.

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People working at Swansea Concerts
Kay Pester
Managing Partner
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Pauline Schumann
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Alexander Obert
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
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