Swati Spentose Pvt. Ltd.

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Swati Spentose Pvt. Ltd. is a unique API specialist manufacturer having achieved what no company in the world has been able to accomplish in the area of polysaccharides. It additionally has several unique API's where they hold a leading global position. The facility is three times USFDA inspected along with CEPs and approval by KFDA, COFEPRIS (Mexico) as well as compliant by MHRA, EDQM, and TGA. The group has 5 manufacturing sites and has the potential to add another 3, including 1 in Europe. The company aspires to do world-class scientific achievements in its domain as we believe if our work is world class, money and profits will come at our terms. We are looking to collaborate, co-op and partner with like-minded individuals and corporates as we believe the future is of consolidating physical infrastructure and power of minds of individuals. USDMFs have been filed for key products, and the company is in line with GDUFA requirements. Completeness Assessment has been completed for Meloxicam (DMF #18837) and is pending for Lidocaine (DMF #25830) and Lidocaine Hydrochloride (DMF #25963). The company has CEP for Lidocaine Hydrochloride (#R0-CEP 2013-103-Rev 00) and is in the process of obtaining CEPs for additional products. Link for virtual tour of the manufacturing site :

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Swati Spentose Pvt. Ltd.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 12 sir vitthaldas thackersey marg, mumbai, maharashtra, india
Line 2: 12 Sir Vitthaldas Thackersey Marg
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People working at Swati Spentose Pvt. Ltd.
Vivek Bhojwani
Senior Manager - Company Affairs & Strategic Alliances
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rohan Gaikwad
Procurement Executive
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Pawan Kumar Singh
Assistant Manager EHS
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Komal Thakkar
Manager-Supply Chain
Ashish Kejdiwal
Head-Formulations, Director
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Azahuchandraprabhu perumal
Quality Control Manager
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Neha Jain
International finance Head
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Francis-Xavier Barretto
Director - Business Development
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rohit Sharma
Purchase Officer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Pratik Sharma
Business Development Manager
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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