Synendos Therapeutics AG

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Synendos Therapeutics AG is a biopharmaceutical company founded in April 2019 as a spin-off of the University of Bern. Synendos develops an innovative therapeutic approach based upon first-in-class inhibitors (small molecules) that modulate a new drug target (not yet published). The inhibitors were designed and developed at the University of Bern starting from an in silico screening of 12 million compounds which was followed by a thorough med chem programme in collaboration with a CRO. The inhibitors act with a new mechanism of action that enables restoration of the natural function of the brain by rebalancing altered neurotransmission in different areas of the bran. Our mission is to develop breakthrough safe and effective therapies for unmet needs in neuropsychiatric disorders.

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Line 1: Basel, BS
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People working at Synendos Therapeutics AG
Andrea Chicca
Co-Founder, CEO and CSO
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Peter Neubeck
Member Board Of Directors
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Debora Schmitz-Rohmer
Head of Translational Medicine
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Simon Russell
Co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Raúl Martín-Ruiz
Board Member
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Celine Maeder
R&D Project Manager Neuroscience
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Jens Pohlmann
Head of Medicinal Chemistry
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Sandra Glasmacher
Senior Product Development Manager
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Jutta Heim
Chair of Advisory Board
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
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