Taiga Innovations

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Taiga Innovations is committed to helping its clients reduce their energy consumption and shrink their carbon footprint. Caretaker, Taiga Innovations' unique Energy-Management Solution has been designed to do both tasks optimally, and unobtrusively across all mobile or desktop devices on a network. Headquartered in Oxfordshire, Taiga Innovations is founded and managed by a team of professionals specialised in the technology and conservation sectors. Taiga Innovations is a global organisation with offices located in Edinburgh, Glasgow, London and the USA with clients across the following sectors: Global Oil and Gas production and services, IT & Telecoms, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Manufacturing and Retail. Caretaker is a Cloud Energy Usage Management and Monitoring tool which regulates your IT systems to help reduce energy wastage, CO2 emissions, and energy costs via the utilisation of set policies. Specifically aimed at creating a greener working environment, Caretaker will record all PC activity types from Active to Offline recording the energy consumption and when energy policies were applied to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This data can then be retrieved and viewed through the Reporting Module component of the software in a graphical representation form.

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People working at Taiga Innovations
Stephen Grant
Product Director
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