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We believe that your purpose and culture should be at the heart of all of your people management activities, We are a niche consultancy which focuses helping organisations to attract, engage, motivate and retain talent to deliver business performance. We can help start-up organisations develop their people processes and talent strategy from the ground up or work with more established companies to 'health-check' their people management approach to ensure it is delivering results Services include: People Management 'health-check' Design and implementation of: Defining and developing employer brands Resourcing process and strategy Induction design and implementation Performance management strategy Succession planning We also offer coaching to individuals who need to understand more around developing and running effective people management strategies and processes. This is perfect for smaller organisations who don't necessarily need an HR department or dedicated resource, but who really want to make sure they develop and maintain the right culture and deliver performance through their people.

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Talentologie's headquarter address
Line 1: leeds, england, gb
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human resources
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People working at Talentologie
Lynn McSeveney
Consultant, People and Talent
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
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