Tangible IP, LLC

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Tangible IP offers full-service patent brokerage and related strategic IP advisory services maintaining offices in both the US and Canada. Our goal is simple, return the maximum value to our clients either through IP monetization or strategic IP advisory. Brokerage & Licensing: Our reputation stems not only from the high quality of our work, but the depth of our network and our integrity representing clients. In addition to our sell side engagements, we also routinely represent buyers (i.e. working as a buyside broker) facilitating the selection, review and acquisition of relevant patent portfolios all while maintaining necessary levels of anonymity. IP Advisory: We assist our clients in defining and executing strong IP strategies and offer a number of patent-related services such as freedom to operate (FTO) analysis, IP due diligence, patentability analysis, landscape studies, patent portfolio re-view and critique, patent valuation, portfolio optimization and comprehensive IP strategies, to name a few. Most frequently, we work closely with SMEs and their investors to provide strategic services tailored to our clients' needs and budget.

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Tangible IP, LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: 800 5th avenue, seattle, washington, usa, 98104
Line 2: 800 5th Ave
Tangible IP, LLC's industries
legal services
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People working at Tangible IP, LLC
Louis Carbonneau
Founder & CEO
Seattle, Washington, United States
Erika Warner, MBA
VP. Brokerage Services
Seattle, Washington, United States
Ramesh Rajaduray
Technical Expert
Seattle, Washington, United States
Carly Boon
Director, Advisory Services & Business Operations
Seattle, Washington, United States
Dan Whittle
VP, Technology – Hardware & Systems
Seattle, Washington, United States
Alan Burnett
VP, Technology - Software and Networking
Seattle, Washington, United States
Jadelyn Brault
Business Intern
Seattle, Washington, United States
B.F. Sanders
Director - Business Development
Seattle, Washington, United States
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