TD&P Consulting, Inc.

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TD&P Consulting, Inc. is a DC metropolitan Area-based litigation support firm specializing in high exposure catastrophic injury cases. TD&P focuses on expert testimony and legal strategies to address economic damages Nationwide. The firm's work includes the analysis of collateral sources and their impact on future medical expenses, valuation of marketplace health care costs, and development of new methodologies for pricing of future medical care. TD&P Consulting has been involved in several groundbreaking cases changing the discussion on the admissibility of paid rates and insurance coverage. Our experts understand the nuances associated with delivery, reasonable value, and reimbursement in the healthcare marketplace. TD&P is frequently consulted on cases as they approach mediation or trial. Our services cover but are not limited to: - An Executive Summary, allowing for a brief way for clients and other stakeholders to understand the content and implication of the report. • A Coverage Analysis, which determines the claimants' eligibility for services with what is covered within the insurance marketplace under state and federal guidelines. This ensures that you have the correct reimbursement structure for your medical damages claim settlement. • A Reasonable Value Analysis, which provides you with an analysis of reimbursement prices in the market. Visit www.TDPartnersConsulting.com, Call us at 270-670-7982, or Email us at admin@tdpartnersconsulting.com for more information.

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TD&P Consulting, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 1400 spring street, silver spring, md, united states
Line 2: 1400 Spring St
TD&P Consulting, Inc.'s industries
legal services
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People working at TD&P Consulting, Inc.
Jessica Dawson
Co- Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Thomas J. Dawson III
Vice President & Co-Founder
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Health Policy Analyst
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Thomas Dawson
Vice President
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Meagan Barnes
Paralegal/Office Manager
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Thomas Dawson
Chief Executive Officer
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Jessica Dawson
Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer (CMBDO)
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
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