Technische Universität Berlin

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We've Got the Brains for the Future – in the Heart of Germany's Capital With almost 34 000 students, circa 100 course offerings and 40 Institutes, the historic Technische Universität Berlin is one of Germany's largest and most internationally renowned technical universities. Located in Germany's capital city – at the heart of Europe – outstanding achievements in research and teaching, imparting skills to excellent graduates, and a modern service-oriented administration characterize TU Berlin. The range of services offered by our seven Faculties serves to forge a unique link between the natural and technical sciences on the one hand, and the planning, economics and social sciences and humanities on the other. This is indeed a significant achievement for any technical university.

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Technische Universität Berlin's headquarter address
Line 1: Straße des 17. Juni 135 Berlin, Berlin, Berlin 10623, DE
Line 2: 135 Strasse des 17. Juni
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Technische Universität Berlin's technology
Adobe Media Optimizer Apache Bootstrap Framework Cedexis Radar Disqus F5 BIG-IP Google Analytics Google Custom Search Google Font API Google Maps Google Maps (Non Paid Users) Google Maps (Paid Users) Google Tag Manager Linkedin Marketing Solutions Mobile Friendly Nginx Ruby On Rails Shutterstock TYPO3 Typekit Ubuntu Varnish Vimeo Webex Woo Commerce WordPress.org YouTube iTunes reCAPTCHA
People working at Technische Universität Berlin
Florian Ruess
Guest Lecturer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Ina Krueger
Technology Transfer Manager
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Tim Robert Zander
Trainer für Kampfsport und Selbstverteidigung
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Naira Danielyan
Lehrbeauftragte Wissenschaftsmanagement / Wissenschaftsmarketing
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Augustin Friedel 🚲 🛴 🛵 🚘
Guest Lecturer MBA Sustainable Mobility
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Walter L Kuehnlein
Lecturer "Offshore Technology"
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
🦙 Sherzod Gafar
Teaching Entrepreneurship @ Startup Crash Course
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Sami Benchekroun
Guest Lecturer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Fabio Molinari
Postdoctoral Researcher
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Frank Asmus
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