Technomedics International (Pvt) Ltd.

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Technomedics was established in 1996 with a clear vision of providing quality yet affordable healthcare solutions to the Sri Lankan market backed by superior 24/7 after sales service. After a decade of specialising in Anaesthesia & Critical Care, Technomedics expanded into the Surgical, Radiology, Homecare, Neuro, Urology, Cardiology, Hospital Furniture and Turnkey Hospital Project markets, and has become one of the largest medical companies in the country. Technomedics is a multi-billion rupee company with expert service centers island-wide covering the regions of Colombo, Kandy, Galle, Battcoloa, and Jaffna. The Technomedics team is constantly updated with the rapid technology changes in the medical industry, and is dedicated in providing customers with the latest state-of-the-art equipment. Technomedics was the first company to introduce the following products to Sri Lanka: Dedicated Homecare Ventilators CPAP devices for patients with Sleep Apnea Oxygen concentration for oxygen dependent patients at home The company has received numerous prestigious awards and achievements including the "National Business Excellence Award (Silver)" in Healthcare from the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in 2011. The company has also been selected by the Ministry of Health to supply and install three Tesla MRI systems in the Country. Technomedics quality and standards are assured by an ISO 9001:2008 certification.

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People working at Technomedics International (Pvt) Ltd.
Linus Jeganathan
Executive Director
Battaramulla, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Sujith Samaradiwakara
Founder Director/ Chairman
Battaramulla, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Githendri Siriwardhana
Biomedical Engineer
Battaramulla, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Lakni W Mohottala
Product Engineer
Battaramulla, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Sasika Fernando
Business Unit Manager
Battaramulla, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Thilan Ayesh Perera
Business Development Executive
Battaramulla, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Kaushalya Ramanayake
Business Manager
Battaramulla, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Dilanka Rupasinghe
Biomedical Engineer
Battaramulla, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Nalaka Bandara
Biomedical Technologist
Battaramulla, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Mevan Srilal
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