Texas Biomedical Research Institute

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Texas Biomedical Research Institute (Texas Biomed) is one of the world's leading independent biomedical research institutions dedicated to advancing health worldwide through innovative biomedical research. Texas Biomed, formerly the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, partners with hundreds of researchers and institutions around the world, targeting advances in the fight against cardiovascular disease, psychiatric disorders, Tuberculosis, AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, parasitic infections, Ebolavirus, Marburg virus and a host of other infectious diseases. The Institute is located on a 200-acre campus on the northwest side of San Antonio, Texas. Its staff of more than 300 employees includes a multidisciplinary team of doctoral-level scientists who lead more than 200 major research projects in the Institute's Scientific Programs; Host-Pathogen Interactions, Disease Intervention & Prevention and Population Health. Texas Biomed is the site of the Southwest National Primate Research Center and the world's largest colony of baboons for biomedical research, including a unique pedigreed colony of approximately 2,500 nonhuman primates. The Institute enjoys a distinguished history in the innovative, humane and appropriate use of nonhuman primates for biomedical research. The Institute also is home to the nation's only privately-owned biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory. This maximum containment lab allows for safe research on lethal pathogens for which there are no treatments or vaccines, including potential bio-terror agents and emerging diseases. The AT&T Genomics Computing Center houses the world's largest computer cluster for human genetic and genomic research. This high-performance computing facility allows scientists to search for disease-influencing genes at record speed. For more information on Texas Biomed, visit us at www.TxBiomed.org

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Line 1: 7620 northwest loop 410, san antonio, tx, united states
Line 2: 7620 NW Loop 410
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People working at Texas Biomedical Research Institute
Hamzeh Rahimi, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Marty Heaner
CTO / VP Information Technology
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Matt Majors
Vice President, Operations
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Sunita S.
Director Of QA, RA, & Compliance
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Jenna Saucedo-Herrera
Board Member
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Dr. Akudo A.
Vice President of Development
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Mark Hammargren, CPP®
Director, Security & Emergency Preparedness
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Lisa Cruz
Vice President, Corporate Communication
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Riti Sharan, Ph.D
Staff Scientist I
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Robert Gracy
President and CEO
San Antonio, Texas, United States
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