TGCC M3 Momentum Fund

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TGCC M3 Momentum Fund was founded in December 2006 as four man's startup. The Fund adopts a quantitative, trend-following, systematic risk management strategy to trade a wide array of global futures markets, which are non-correlated to traditional investment. We also registered as a commodity pool operator with the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and a member of the U.S. National Futures Association.

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TGCC M3 Momentum Fund's headquarter address
Line 1: 8 shenton way axa tower, #25-02, singapore, sg
Line 2: 8 Shenton Way
TGCC M3 Momentum Fund's industries
investment management
TGCC M3 Momentum Fund's technology
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People working at TGCC M3 Momentum Fund
Ryan Teoh Wei Jing
Technical Director
Singapore, Singapore
Ng Kah Fei
Technical Analyst
Singapore, Singapore
Lexi Lee, CFA, CFP, AFM
Director of Institutional Business Development
Singapore, Singapore
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