The Accounting Centre

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The Accounting Centre - Established by Adrian Charya, equipped with a strong corporate background, we set about to bring to the community, the Accounting Centre. Adrian as Director/Principal and Shareholder of the practice and Ravi as Business Consultant and Shareholder. Both are members of the Institute, Adrian a CA and Ravi an ACA. Clients get access to not only their book keeping needs but so much more. Where some tax agents file just tax returns (in NZ anyone can be a tax agent) , we at the Accounting Centre go beyond the tax filing requirements and become business partners to our clients. With our education, training and professional affiliation you are assured of the best possible advise and a level of integrity and accountability you won't get out of the backyard book keeper. We are members of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants and hold a current Public Practice Certificate and of course we are also a registered Tax Agency with Inland Revenue.

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