The Alaka'i Leadership Group, LLC

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Vision: Sustain the premier leadership consulting LLC Mission: Provide advanced leadership training to high-performance individuals, teams, and organizations that is tailored to clients' needs and exceeds expectations. Core Values: People, Grit, Honor Services Individual and Team Coaching: - Innovative Problem Solving / Aggressive Solution Implementation Organizational Alignment Assessment: - Optimize Talent Mobilization / Improve Strategic Design Irreversible Momentum Toward Lasting Cultural Change: - Lead Change / Advance Vision & Strategy / Inspire Loyalty / Achieve Goals Motivational Speaking: - People First / Tailored & Focused / Results-oriented / Strategic Communication Bottom Line: Bring best practices from the battlefield to the boardroom faster and more effectively than ever before. Deliver a lasting culture of ultimate readiness.

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The Alaka'i Leadership Group, LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: tampa, florida, united states
The Alaka'i Leadership Group, LLC's industries
management consulting
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Amazon AWS Mobile Friendly
People working at The Alaka'i Leadership Group, LLC
Joseph Polanin, Captain, U.S. Navy (retired)
Founder and CEO
Tampa, Florida, United States
Kiana Polanin
Director of Operations
Tampa, Florida, United States
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