The Ashmore Foundation

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The Ashmore Foundation seeks to make a positive and sustainable difference in the Emerging Market communities in which Ashmore operates and invests. Our funding of local Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) aims to directly enhance human welfare, opportunities and skills, particularly for the most vulnerable. Despite economic growth in Emerging Markets (EM), disadvantaged communities remain affected by poverty and lack access to basic services. The Ashmore Foundation responds by working in partnership with local NGOs and social enterprises that equip people with the skills and resources that they need to generate an income will not only enable them to meet their basic needs but will also support economic growth and begin to address broader societal inequalities.

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The Ashmore Foundation's headquarter address
Line 1: 61 aldwych, london, wc2b 4ae, gb
Line 2: 61 Aldwych
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People working at The Ashmore Foundation
Lydia Jessica Toisuta
Member Board Of Trustees
London, England, United Kingdom
Esther Arthur
Foundation Director
London, England, United Kingdom
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