The Be W.I.S.E Initiative

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The Be WISE Initiative is a Non-profit Organization that consists of stem-based learning experiences that cultivates a heartfelt academic experience along with a positive social environment for girls who are passionate about engineering, at the elementary school and preschool level. Our goal is to nurture women's passion in science and engineering at a young age so that as they get older, they will feel more connected and represented in the field of engineering. Although we realize that each child is different and unique in their own way, so that's why with the power of psychology we have created a proprietary learning platform that appeals to all children. Our Mission is to inspire and facilitate the girls of the next generation to develop a passion for STEM based majors both here in the United State and Internationally, using our proprietary method, known as The W.I.S.E Method.

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nonprofit organization management
People working at The Be W.I.S.E Initiative
Ashwin Rajkumar
Founder and CEO
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
Nikhitha Vellanki
Chief Information Officer
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
Sanjusha Gudla
Co President
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
Esha Sharma
Chief Operational Officer
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
Pranav Ingale
Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Scientist
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
Sohini Parsi
Co President
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
Eleanor Richardson
Be W.I.S.E Mentor
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
Carter Pedela
Chief Scientist
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
Chetan Sai Pabboju
Marketing Assistant
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
Aatmaj Rajesh
Olentangy High School Vice President
Lewis Center, Ohio, United States
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