The Bell Partnership

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The Bell Partnership is a London based private investment & advisory group with interests in early stage venture, real estate, and digital assets. The group operates an active Angel investment programme alongside a strategic advisory arm, assisting early stage businesses with both capital and strategic advice. Most notably, the partnership are responsible for co-founding the UK's first athlete entrepreneurial collective alongside leading British athletes.

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The Bell Partnership's headquarter address
Line 1: 126 new kings road, london, greater london, united kingdom
Line 2: 126 New Kings Road
The Bell Partnership's industries
venture capital & private equity
The Bell Partnership's technology
Mobile Friendly Squarespace ECommerce Typekit
People working at The Bell Partnership
Ruari Bell
Founding Partner
Parsons Green, England, United Kingdom
Fergus Bell
Managing Partner
Parsons Green, England, United Kingdom
George Burrough
Head of Operations
Parsons Green, England, United Kingdom
Michael Omisore
Floor Staff
Parsons Green, England, United Kingdom
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