The Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts

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The CSPA provides a network of resources to artists and arts organizations by gathering and distributing information from partnering information sources, and through the development of special initiatives designed to enable sustainable practices while maintaining artistic excellence. The CSPA views sustainability in art-making through environmentalism, economic stability, and strengthened cultural infrastructure. Information is readily available through the CSPA Knowledge Network: information distributed through daily web posts, monthly newsletters, a quarterly publication, a curated bookstore, and social networking. Multiple CSPA Convergences allow artists, educators, students, and the general public to gather and respond to current critical issues at designated events. The CSPA Institute and developing curriculum will provide open source learning to a rising generation of concerned artists. And, through CSPA Supports, artists are able to receive limited financial support for putting their ideas into action. The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts is an intentional for-profit organization. We are exploring hybrid business models in an effort to break conventional non-profit dependencies, to engage politically, and to re-invest funding into the arts. We hope you'll join us in our cause by becoming part of our expanding network.

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Line 1: toronto, on m6s 1x7, ca
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People working at The Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts
Devon H.
Program Director, Creative Green Tools Canada
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Gift Tshuma
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sarah Fioravanti
Program Officer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ian Garrett
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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