The Coretex Group

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The Coretex Group is one of the UK's leading suppliers of bespoke and standard lightweight panels, structural honeycomb cores and supporting process equipment. Our broad panel range includes AluLite, TimberLite, TransLite, UltraLite, HPLLite, GRPLite, CarboLite - and more always under development. Our panels are used across all industrires - Aerospace, Marine, Architectural, Furniture & Joinery, Exhibition, Automotive, Transport, Defence... Our Honeycomb core range includes 3000 and 5052 series Aluminium Honeycomb, PP Honeycomb and PC Honeycomb - all having unique properties and applications How can we help you with your weight probem?

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The Coretex Group's headquarter address
Line 1: po box 2, cheltemham, glos gl54 5yr, gb
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building materials
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People working at The Coretex Group
Geoff Layland
Managing Director
Winchcombe, England, United Kingdom
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