The Food Incubator Ltd.

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We're a team of food industry experts with a wealth of experience in thermal processing. We help clients – from those just starting their journey in the food industry to established companies - identify the right thermal process to deliver maximum product safety and optimum shelf life whilst retaining organoleptic properties. We're unique in the market because we offer this highly specialist service without the need for a co-packing arrangement to be in place. This means that we apply our extensive industry knowledge and thermal processing know-how exclusively to identifying the perfect thermal process without accessing your confidential information. So, clients working with The Food Incubator retain all recipe, ingredients and any other intellectual property copyright information. We don't need to know. We are 100% focussed on thermal processing, which covers trials, process establishment and running small batch runs through to providing validation services and training.

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The Food Incubator Ltd.'s headquarter address
Line 1: Leicester
The Food Incubator Ltd.'s industries
food production
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Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook
People working at The Food Incubator Ltd.
Tom Russell
Managing Director
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
James Turner
Chief Incubator
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
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