The Grierson Trust

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Established in 1972, The Grierson Trust champions factual filmmaking and is responsible for the annual British Documentary Awards, the biggest event in the UK documentary calendar. More commonly known as the Griersons, the awards commemorate the pioneering Scottish documentary filmmaker John Grierson (1898 – 1972), famous for Drifters and Night Mail and the man widely regarded as the father of the documentary. The awards recognise and celebrate documentaries from Britain and abroad that have made a significant contribution to the genre and that demonstrate quality, integrity, creativity, originality and overall excellence. The Trust also plays a critical role in talent development, running a series of training schemes that develop under-represented industry skills and support new entrants from diverse backgrounds. Each scheme is tailor-made with the support of industry professionals from major broadcasters, independent production companies and more, to ensure that trainees are provided with the skills to make them job ready, and are given the opportunity to undertake practical work experience. The current three schemes are: Grierson DocLab, supported by The Rank Foundation and Netflix. Grierson DocLab In Focus: Production Management and Grierson DocLab In Focus: Editing, both supported by Netflix.

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The Grierson Trust's headquarter address
Line 1: 28 sallows road, peterborough, england pe1 4eu, gb
Line 2: 28 Sallows Road
The Grierson Trust's industries
media production
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People working at The Grierson Trust
Hannah Brown
Marketing Manager
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Lorraine Heggessey
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Sylvia Bednarz
Managing Director
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Finlay van der Vossen
Administrative and Awards Assistant
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Louise Haines
Production Management Trainee
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Yen Yau
Director of Training Programmes
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Jacqueline D.
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Carol Nahra
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Fiona Williams
Communications Manager
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Mariam Aliabadi
Grierson DocLab Trainee
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
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