The Hamburg Hurricanes e.V.

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The Hamburg Hurricanes are an English speaking amateur football club with 3 teams competing in the Hamburg Kreisliga and Kreisklasse. The club consists of players from all across the world. The philosophy of the club is simple one, a commitment to playing attractive football underpinned by fairness, support for each other, respect for opponents and upholding the spirit of the beautiful game. In addition to activities on the pitch the club is a huge benefit to its members socially as our network extends far beyond just the players and this network has helped newcomers to Hamburg settle in, make friends, find apartments and even jobs. The Hurricanes is run by a democratic management board with collective responsibility for finance, administration, social events and player registration and recruitment. The board is determined to build on the current achievements in a structured manner and is already planning the next step in the clubs development. The club has a healthy membership of 40+ registered players with additional players joining the training and Freizeit Kick sessions. Members are kept informed of developments through the Club's social media channels and a new interactive website. The club is always looking for new people to get involved as either players, coaching staff, committee members or supporters and are also open to sponsor/partnership opportunities - please do not hesitate to get in touch info@hamburg-hurricanes.com

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People working at The Hamburg Hurricanes e.V.
Christian Rintsch
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Hamid Farahmand
Board Member
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Alexander Hildreth
IT / Developer
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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