The Institute for Pan African Cultural Education Inc.

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P.A.C.E. aims to encourage young people to Achieve, by recognizing the value of education, and by embracing their cultural heritage as people of African descent. P.A.C.E. values helping youth to achieve to their full potential with the understanding that they need opportunities and support to succeed. P.A.C.E. believes that communities need to mobilize and build capacity to support youth achievement. P.A.C.E. philosophy is that youth are "not to be viewed as problems to be fixed, but rather as partners to be engaged and encouraged". P.A.C.E. programs and projects engages young people to be advocates, to be leaders and to be apart of the greater effort in making a difference in their education, development and achievement.

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Line 2: 100 Hebron St
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People working at The Institute for Pan African Cultural Education Inc.
Priscilla "Dzidzor" Azaglo
Art Director
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Bwanda D. A.
Founder and Executive Director
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Zachary Rochester
Music Enrichment Specialist/Teacher
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Abner Jerome
Director of Wellness
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Taylor Alves
Summer Leadership Intern
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