The London Ballet Circle

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The London Ballet Circle was formed in 1946 and is the world's oldest independent ballet/dance appreciation society. We became a charity in 2008. Our aim is to promote interest in ballet, other forms of dance and the associated arts in order to deepen appreciation and to foster a spirit of fellowship between audiences and artists. The money we raise helps to support student dancers, schools and companies across the UK. We are fortunate to receive the highest level of endorsement from the dance world.

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The London Ballet Circle's headquarter address
Line 1: London, GB
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People working at The London Ballet Circle
Isabella Pitman
Board Trustee
Candace Kuss
London, England, United Kingdom
Susan Dalgetty Ezra
Fiona Erleigh
Member Board of Trustees
London, England, United Kingdom
Sylvia V.
Membership Secretary
London, England, United Kingdom
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