The Mighty Creatives
The Mighty Creatives (TMC) is the young people's creative development agency for the East Midlands. Established in 2009 to drive strong, innovative work with children and young people, the agency now manages a number of strategic initiatives that prepare young people for a lifetime of learning, leadership and enterprise. Our mission is to help every child and young person in the East Midlands develop their creativity to make a positive impact on their lives and the lives of others. We use the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and Hear By Right to put children and young people at the heart of our organisation. TMC is an entrepreneurial change-making organisation, driven by the needs of young people and the adults that work with them. We believe that creative children and young people are integral to the region's success, both now and in the future. They can use their imaginations to address the region's priorities, driving forward innovation in schools, communities, business and the environment. Our challenge is to ensure that adults want this to happen.