The Queen's Green Canopy

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A unique tree planting campaign across the United Kingdom known as The Queen's Green Canopy will be created to mark The Queen's Platinum Jubilee in 2022. All across the UK, people will be encouraged to "Plant a Tree for the Jubilee" through The Queen's Green Canopy initiative. The project will see all Counties of the UK being invited to create a network of individual or specimen trees, tree avenues, copses and woodlands in honour of Her Majesty's 70 years of service to the Nation. As well as inviting people to plant new trees, existing woodland will also be dedicated to the QGC by erecting commemorative plaques to mark the occasion and preserve forests for the future, in The Queen's name. The Queen's Green Canopy is an independent initiative led by an Executive Team drawn from individuals seconded from across Government and the charity, Cool Earth. The campaign will see communities, charities, schools, scout groups, councils and landowners planting trees across the four nations to create a lasting legacy in honour of The Queen's leadership of the Nation, that will enhance our environment and the landscape, for generations to come. The campaign will encourage the planting of healthy native trees that will thrive in their environments. Throughout Her reign, The Queen has planted more than 1,500 trees all over the world and has spoken alongside Sir David Attenborough of the importance of trees in Earth's future. The Platinum Jubilee will offer an opportunity for people to unite in celebration of The Queen's lifetime of service in support of the UK and the wider Commonwealth. The global Covid-19 pandemic has been a challenging time which has profoundly changed the lives of all British citizens and generated a much greater public awareness of the need for green space. The QGC will encourage people to come together with the common purpose of "greening" their local and national environment. The Queen's Green Canopy will be launched in May 2021.

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People working at The Queen's Green Canopy
Samantha Cohen CVO
Co-Founder & Deputy Chair
London, England, United Kingdom
Dan Rex MVO
Chief Executive Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Adrian Houston
Queens Green Canopy
London, England, United Kingdom
ruth evans
Director Of Development
London, England, United Kingdom
Marnie Gaffney MVO
Head Of Communications
London, England, United Kingdom
Ellie Owen
Project Coordinator
London, England, United Kingdom
David Lemuel Corbin
Project Administrator
London, England, United Kingdom
Anna Sambrook
Funding Development Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Meryl Walter
Communications Consultant
London, England, United Kingdom
Kabir Kaul
Young Ambassador
London, England, United Kingdom
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