The Retail Group, Inc

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Established in 1998 as a Sales Force Management, Merchandising Services and Consumer Marketing company. We have total experience in servicing all trade levels and categories with clients including Fortune 500 companies, local distributors, manufacturers and brand marketers. With an internal promotional department, we execute creative promotional programs in all channels of distribution.We listen carefully and come with recommendation based on clients and business opportunities. We strongly believe in the Return of Investment and must important… we truly love what we do!We work as business partners to all of our clients offering dedicated skilled resources, advanced technology and warehouse facilities.Current services include Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic.

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People working at The Retail Group, Inc
Julia M. Cabrera
VP of Operations
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Juan A. Rodríguez, MBA
Operations Manager
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Milagros Cabrera
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Richard Valdes
Marketing Director and New Business Development
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Eli Gold
Chief Executive Officer
Ianira Fuentes
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Pat Di Bratto
Luxury Retail Consultant, Senior Executive, Chief Merchant
Cesar Ramirez Morales
System Administrator
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Jennifer Torruella
Account Executive
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Anabel Flores
Human Resources Coordinator
San Juan, Puerto Rico
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