The Superbia Group

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The Superbia Group is a financial services company made up of a family of subsidiaries and brands that work together to deliver a truly client centric proposition. The companies in the group operate independent of each other, the services we offer compliment each other which results in a more holistic and enhanced offering. What makes us different from financial service consolidators is the strong focus on ensuring cultural values align and that any new acquisitions or additions to the business share the same client centric purpose. The Group was formed in 2019 and have an ambition to become a leading provider of quality advice, whilst also delivering strong financial returns for investors. The Superbia Group has approximately £200m of client assets under advice and £4.5bn of assets under influence. The Superbia Group currently consists of three brands: - Asset Intelligence - Furnley House - Superbia Financial Planning Whether you're looking to retire, thinking about your exit from the financial advice industry or improving the level of service you offer your clients, the Superbia Group is here to help. We can work with you to make sure your clients get the best experience. Our recent successes show we truly understand our clients and design our processes, products and services for our clients. Our experience with our recent acquisition, new discretionary fund manager and current propositions show our expertise in the financial services industry. We have a thorough process where we will get to know you and understand your long term objectives, this approach is used throughout the companies in the group and it's imperative that any company that joins the Superbia Group fits with our culture. Have a read of how we can help you achieve your long term plan. - Your exit strategy - Looking for a new Adviser role - Working with Asset Intelligence Contact our Commercial Director for more information on

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The Superbia Group's headquarter address
Line 1: 340 melton road, leicester, england, gb
Line 2: 340 Melton Road
The Superbia Group's industries
financial services
The Superbia Group's technology
CloudFlare Hosting Cloudflare DNS Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Outlook
People working at The Superbia Group
Georgina Mitchell MCSI
Chair of the ESG Advisory Board & Product Governance Commitee
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Alain Wolffe
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Stefan Fura
Group Managing Director
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Jan Fura
Chief Information Officer
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Giles Cross
Non Executive Director
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Helen Ibbotson
Acting Marketing Manager
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Chris Everard
Non Executive Director
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Kath Haines
Advisory Board Member
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Ed Picciano Moss
Business Analyst
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
George Simpson
IFA/Training Manager
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
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