The Vanderbilt Fusion Project

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By building a functional nuclear fusion reactor, we hope to spark innovation and inspire others - both within our campus community and nationally. The Vanderbilt Fusion Project will bring together students from across the disciplines in the School of Engineering - Mechanical, Civil and Environmental, Biomedical, Electrical, Chemical, Computer Science, and General Engineering - as well as students outside of engineering in Peabody and Arts and Science. Our team will help create new connections throughout our engineering and campus communities, and catalyze real-world problem solving and innovation. The Vanderbilt Fusion Project will provide groundbreaking new opportunities for Vanderbilt students. Through our project teams, students will be able to gain hands-on experience with flowing gas systems, ultra-high vacuum systems, high voltage engineering, and control systems, and experiment with new particle and plasma technologies. Additionally, due to the interdisciplinary nature of a fusion reactor, students will be immersed in materials science, chemistry, and physics, and gain experience working on a project with team members from across different backgrounds, skills, and disciplines. The primary goal of our project isn't just to design, fabricate, and develop a fusion reactor; it's to create a project team that will give our team members the background and skills to become top-notch engineers, innovators, and problem-solvers.

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People working at The Vanderbilt Fusion Project
Zachary Klinger
Chief Financial Officer and Co-Founder
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Tommy Pennington
Chief Executive Officer
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Anders Westermann
Chief Strategy Officer
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Eva Mckinzie
Communications and Finance
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Jackson Cornett
VP of Engineering
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Jackson Singer
Vice President of Engineering
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Logan Glazier
Chief Operations Officer (COO)
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Shrey Chande
Finance and Communications Team
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Brennan Aboud-Hall
Safety Team
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Brooke Byrne
Vacuum and Gas Systems Engineer
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
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