The Weather Channel

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For more than 30 years, The Weather Channel television network has inspired viewers to explore, investigate and appreciate the experience of weather in all its forms. One of the most widely distributed cable networks, The Weather Channel is the leader in severe weather coverage, providing the most comprehensive coverage of any media outlet, and with trusted meteorologists who analyze, forecast and report the weather - its expertise is unrivaled.

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The Weather Channel's headquarter address
Line 1: 300 interstate north parkway east southeast, atlanta, ga, united states
Line 2: 300 Interstate North Pkwy SE
The Weather Channel's industries
Media and Telecommunications
The Weather Channel's technology
Akamai Amazon AWS Amazon SES Apache Drupal Freshdesk Gmail Google Analytics Google Apps Mobile Friendly NSOne
People working at The Weather Channel
Shilpi Ganguly, MBA, CISSP
VP, IT and Cybersecurity
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Dorren Schmitt
Senior Director Information Technology
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Neil McGillis
Director, Weather Systems Development & Operations
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Nicholas Conner
Vice President, Technology & Operations
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Fred Bucher
Senior Vice President/Chief Marketing Officer
Bill Caudill
Vice President, Content Partnerships for Local Now at The Weather Channel
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Mike Nemetz
Director, Distribution Partnerships
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Alex Wallace
On Camera Meteorologist
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Stephanie Weber
SVP, Product Development
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Luis Guzman
Senior Software Engineer
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